Summary Description of the DECam Community Pipeline

Francisco Valdes
January 2014 (DRAFT)
CP Version 3.x.x


The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) Community Pipeline (CP) is an automatic, high performance processing system to apply the best instrumental calibrations as currently understood. During the first year of camera operation there were improvements being made as the scientists and engineers learned more about the characteristics of the instrument and explored calibration algorithms. This document describes the various calibrations for version 3 and its minor updates of the CP (V3.x.x). The version may be found under the PLVER keyword of the CP data products.

The challenge for a document of this kind is providing a useful amount of detail without becoming a dense system manual. The goal of this document is to address the ultimate science users -- principle investigators and archival researchers -- with sufficient detail to understand the scientific pedigree of the CP data products. This document is provided in several versions of increasing detail so one may start with less detail and then expand to increasing detail as desired.

Another challenge for presentation is the organization of the many calibrations. As a pipeline, the calibrations proceed in a relatively linear fashion. So, though some calibrations could be done in different orders with different advantages and disadvantages, this document follows the V3.x.x calibration flow.

In addition to the calibration descriptions the end-user needs to understand the types, nature, and structures of the CP data products. Therefore, there is a section on the data products.

The Calibrations

This section provides descriptions for the various calibrations of the CP applied to science exposures in the order in which they are performed.

List of Calibration Steps

  • Electronic Bias Calibration
  • Crosstalk Correction
  • Saturation Masking
  • Bad Pixel Masking and Interpolation
  • Bias Calibration
  • Linearity Correction
  • Flat Field Gain Calibration
  • Fringe Pattern Subtraction
  • Bleed Trail and Edge Bleed Masking and Interpolation
  • Astrometric Calibration
  • Single Exposure Cosmic Ray Masking
  • Photometric Characterization
  • Sky Pattern Removal
  • Illumination Correction
  • Pixel Area Correction (not in V3.x.x)
  • Remapping
  • Multi-Exposure Transient Masking
  • Coadding/Stacking

A correction for electronic amplifier bias, generally known as "overscan subtraction", is made using overscan readout values. There are two amplifers per CCD, each with their own overscan values, and they are handled independently. A single bias value is subtracted from the part of the image line corresponding to a particular amplifier. Each line is treated independently; i.e. there is no smoothing of the overscan values across lines.

Crosstalk is an effect where the signal level in a pixel being read by one amplifier affects the signal level in another amplifier. The effect can either increase or decrease the measured/recorded value from the other amplifier. The CP computes a correction for every pixel in an amplifier caused by every other amplifier; though it is implemented so that if there is no effect between a pair of amplifiers no corrections is computed. The correction is essentially an empirical model that has been determined by the instrument scientists and engineers. The model provides a linear correction up to a threshold and then a non-linear correction up to the limit of the digital converter.

Saturation is essentially the point where the accumulated charge in the CCDs can no longer be properly calibration. In the CP this is defined to be pixels which exceed a threshold determined by the instrument scientists. The threshold is different for each amplifier. The CP sets the most current values in the image headers and then adds a saturation bit (bit 2) in the data quality maps for those pixels exceeding that value.

A bad pixel calibration map is defined external to the CP. The identified bad pixels are added to the exposure bad pixel maps. Bad pixels are replaced by linear interpolation from neighboring columns when only a single bad pixel is spanned. The weight of the interpolated pixel is reduced by a factor of 2.

Bias calibration consists of subtracting a master bias calibration. Master biases are created by the pipeline by combining many individual bias exposures (usually) taken during the night.

The CP does not do a dark count calibration and dark count exposures are ignored on input.

The DECam CCDs exhibit varying amounts of non-linearity at both low and high count levels. The instrument team provides a look up table for each amplifier to correct this.

The principle, pixel level, gain calibration consists of dividing by a master dome flat field. Master dome flat fields are created by the pipeline from dome flat exposures (usually) taken during the same night. These master dome flat fields are, themselves, corrected for large scale effects; namely, camera reflections and differences in response between the dome lamp illumination and a typical dark sky. The corrections are derived from stellar photometry of a calibration field obtain during special calibration programs. These calibrations are called star flat fields or "starflats".

A couple of filters (z and Y) show an interference pattern, generally call a "fringe pattern", caused by narrow night sky lines. This is removed by subtracting a fringe pattern calibration. This calibration is produced externally from data taken during special calibration programs. The pattern has been determined to be sufficiently stable over time to use such a calibration. The calibration pattern is scaled by the median of the exposure and then subtracted.

Saturation in bright stars and galaxies produce trails along columns due to an effect called "bleeding" or "blooming". A related effect is edge bleeding from the serial register which affects lines near the serial register side of the image when there is a very bright star near the serial register. An algorithm is used to identify pixels affected by these effects and add them to the data quality maps. In addition the pixels are replaced by linear interpolation across the bad data.

Astrometric calibration consists of refining the world coordinate system (WCS) function based on matching sources in an exposure to a astrometric reference catalog (V3.x.x: 2MASS). The sources in each CCD are cataloged and then all the catalogs are combined and matched to the astrometric reference catalog. The matched sources are then used to refine the terms of the TPV WCS function. This astrometric solution is stored in the CCD image headers of the instrumentally calibrated data products. Note that there are also data products where the images have been remapped to a simple tangent plane world coordinate system.

Cosmic ray events are identified and the affected pixels are added to the data quality and weight maps. The single exposure identification is based on finding pixels that are significantly brighter than nearest neighbor pixels; i.e. have "sharp" edges. This algorithm has been tuned to avoid identify the cores of unresolved sources. Part of this is that exposures with very good image quality (FWHM < 3.3 pixels) are not searched. Note that cosmic rays are also identified at a later stage when multiple exposures of the same field are part of the dataset.

A characterization of the magnitude zero point is derived by comparison to common sources in a photometric reference catalog (V3.0: USNO-B1). This is obtained by creating a source catalog of instrumental magnitudes and matching it against a reference catalog. The mean magnitude difference in the matches yields the zero point. This zero point is useful both for users and for stacking multiple exposures.

Sky pattern removal attempts to make the sky background across an exposure be uniform on large scales. This applies to the non-remapped exposures from which remapped images and stacks are subsequently produced. The first pattern to remove is a camera reflection which appears as a large image of the pupil; hence often termed a "pupil ghost". The second pattern is a gradient across the field where, By gradient we don't mean just a plane but a structure that might be like a vignetting based on the orientations of the dome slit, strong light like the moon, or differential atmospheric transmission. It is realized that some of these are actually response variations rather than additive background but in V3.x.x all sources of low spatial frequency variation are treated as additive background.

This correction makes the ensemble response to sky light, after removing sky patterns due to camera reflections and illumination gradients, uniform across the field of view. This is done by combining all exposures of 60 seconds or more, in the same filter and over a small set of nights (usually a run), using source masks and medians to eliminate source light. This "dark sky illumination" calibration is divided into each individual exposure.

A photometric point to be aware of is that the various gain calibrations on the unremapped individual exposures assume the areas of the pixels projected on the sky are the same. This is a small effect in DECam (< 1% at the extreme edge) but, depending on how one performs the photometry, this may be a factor one should consider. The remapping and subsequent coadded stacks explicitly make the pixel areas the same (apart from the very small tangent plane projection) and so fixed aperture photometry would be as accurate as the gain calibration allows.

The astrometric calibration allows remapping the data to any desired projection and sampling. Note that if the astrometric calibration failed (keyword WCSCAL) then remapping and coadding are not done on the exposure though a data product will still be available without an accurate astrometric calibration. The two reasons for remapping are 1) to provide data where instrument distortions have been removed, particularly pixel size variations on the sky which can affect photometry programs, and 2) to register images for stacking. The CP resamples (which means interpolates) each exposure to a standard tangent plane project with north up, east to the left, and each pixel being 0.27 arc seconds square.

The CP combines exposures which overlap significantly. The exposures which overlap are determined during the remapping step in the more detailed description. Exposures are considered overlapping when they have the same tangent point. As noted there, exposure patterns that move fields by roughly a DECam field of view will generally produce separate coadds and not one very large coadd.

The overlapping exposures are divided up into multiple stacks by the following criteria. Exposures are grouped by exposure time with groups for very short (t < 10s), short (10s <= t < 60s), medium (60s <= t < 300s), and long (t > 300s) exposures. If a group has more than 50 exposures it is divided in the smallest number of subgroups which all have less than 50 exposures.

Of the exposures that are identified for a stack another set of criteria are used to exclude outlier exposures which can degrade the image quality. These critera are based on outlier statistics, meaning exposures which depart significantly from the typical values. The quantities considered are unusally large relative flux scaling (e.g. low magnitude zero points due to bad transparency or short exposure time), poor seeing, and high sky brightness. In addition only less than half of the exposures are allowed to be rejected otherwise all exposures are used.

There are two stacks produced for each set of exposures satisfying the critera above. One has no background adjustments beyond those applied to the non-remapped data as described previously. The other subtracts an additional background from each CCD. This is a higher spatial frequency filtering which can produce a better matching of overlapping CCDs but can also subtract light from sources with extended light of 10% or more of a CCD. Because it is difficult for the pipeline to decide which is appropriate for a dataset, the two versions are produced from which the investigator can chose.

A common question is why a coadd does not include data over a long run or multiple runs. This is because the pipeline works on blocks of consecutive or nearly consecutive nights. Only data within a block of nights are available for defining a field. Long runs are sometimes broken up into multiple blocks due to disk space limitations. Programs that have assigned nights that are disjoint by many days (normally considered as different runs) are processed separately.

Calibration Files

The CP maintains a Calibration Library of files which are applied during processing. The selection of a calibration file is based on the date of the exposure being calibrated. Some calibration files change infrequently and some are derived frequently from calibration or on-sky exposures taken by the observers. The processing metadata added to the data products provides the names of the calibration files used and, in principle, all calibrations files may be obtained from the archive.

List of CP Calibration Files

  • Crosstalk Coefficient File
  • Saturation Level File
  • Linearity File
  • World Coordinate System Coefficients File
  • Bad Pixel Map
  • Bias/Zero Calibrations
  • Dome Flat Calibrations
  • Star Flat Calibrations
  • Fringe Calibrations
  • Illumination Calibrations
  • The crosstalk coefficient file is a text file provides the coefficients for the crosstalk correction described earlier. The is indexed by pairs of affected and source CCD amplifiers. This file is derived by a calibration team looking at potential affected pixels for bright sources in a variety of exposures. This may be updated periodically as needed.

    A text file is provided by instrument scientists containing the saturation level for each amplifier. This is considered the best estimate and overrides values in the raw exposure headers.

    The instrument scientist provide a linearity coefficient FITS file with tables of linearity coefficients for each CCD.

    A text file is provided by instrument scientists containing the keywords required for the TPV world coordinate system (WCS). Besides the structural keywords this also provides the initial coefficients for each CCD. These keywords and coefficients override values in the raw exposure headers.

    The instrument scientists provide a map of the known bad pixels for each CCD. This information is used to populate the initial data quality maps for each exposure. These files will be periodically updated as needed.

    All bias exposures from a night -- independent of proposal and excluding any subject to the voltage turn on transient -- are processed into a single master bias calibration. The first steps are the same as previously described for science exposures; namely, electronic bias, crosstalk, saturation masking, and bad pixel masking and interpolation. After these calibrations the exposures are combined, in CCD pixel space, by averaging the pixel values with lowest and highest values excluded. A weight map is also produced for error propagation.

    All dome flat exposures from a night -- independent of proposal, excluding any subject to the voltage turn on transient, and grouped by filter -- are processed into a single master dome flat calibration. The first steps are the same as previously described for science exposures; namely, electronic bias, crosstalk, saturation masking, bad pixel masking and interpolation, master bias subtraction, and linearity. Each CCD is then scaled by the average of the central section ([500:1500,1500:2500]) with bad pixels identified by the current instrument bad pixel map excluded. The pixels are then combined, in CCD pixel space, by averaging the pixel values with lowest and highest values excluded. A weight map for error propagation is also produced.

    The star flat calibrations, one per filter, is a master calibration created outside of the CP. It is produced from many dithered exposures of a modestly dense stellar field taken as part of a separate calibration program. These exposures are processed through the normalized dome flat calibration. The logic is that the dithering produces many instances of the same star over the detector. Spatial variations from the average instrumental magnitude for that star provides a measure of the relative response differences between those sampled points. By combining a large number of stars a flat field map is produced which makes the instrumental magnitudes, and hence the response of the camera, uniform across the field of view.

    Templates of the fringe pattern, one for z and one for Y, are quite stable. Therefore, these are derived periodically outside of the CP from many exposures of sparse fields. The exposures are combined to exclude sources. The the master stack is filtered to extract the fringe pattern with a mean of zero. During science exposure calibration the template is scaled and subtracted.

    Illumination calibrations, grouped by filter, are derived from run datasets when the exposures are sufficiently numerous, dithered, and unaffected by large sources. This provides a gain correction to the more static star flat calibration. The calibration consists of images for each CCD with flat field pixel values. The values are generally spatially smoothed. When an illumination calibration is derived, and approved by the operator, it enters the CP calibration library. It may then be used for the individual exposures from the same dataset or by other datasets for which an illumination correction cannot be derived.

    Data Products

    The CP data products are available from the NOAO Science Archive. Calibrations are non-proprietary while most science data has an 18 month proprietary period from the time the raw data was taken.

    There are currently four classes of data products: calibrations, instrumentally calibrated single exposures (non-remapped and remapped), and stacked (two version of background subtraction). Each of these consist of the basic image flux data plus various ancillary files associated with the flux data. The current ancillary file types are data quality, weight, and coverage/exposure maps. It is possible additional data products will be added in the future.